Megan Fox tattoos, dark hair and blue eyes are like her brand marks. She was born in 1986, in Tennessee and wanted to become an actress since childhood. Her parents respected daughters wishes, although they got divorced and Megan’s mother had hard times getting financial stability, Megan started attending drama and dance classes since she was 5. After getting awards at American Talent Convention Megan Fox became a model and got her first roles being just 13 years old. She debuted on big screens in the movie „Holiday in the Sun” in 2001, but got the biggest recognition by starring in „Transformers”.

Megan Fox Tattoos History

All Megan Fox tattoos have been designed by herself and she sees tattoo as a self expression. Megan has got 10 different tattoos on her body and she said she will never remove any of them. But here comes the first one – the portrait of Marilyn Monroe on Megan’s right arm she has decided to remove. Megan has explained that this tattoo is a reminder for her not to let anyone to treat her so bad that it leads to breaking down as it happened to Monroe broken by the movie industry.

Getting older Megan Fox decided to get rid of this tattoo because Marilyn’s life has been wrapped into too much of mystery and negativity what makes her to think that’s not the right picture to have inked on one’s body, although there are a lot of Megan’s fans who adored the most exactly this tattoo.

Meanings Behind Megan Fox Tattoos

There are several Megan Fox tattoos made of words. On her back right shoulder there is a phrase “We will all laugh at gilded butterflies”

Megan Fox Tattoos

– words written by Shakespeare from the „King Lear”. This is Megan’s reminder to be careful in Hollywood, because people might end up laughing at her. Another sentence is inked on her ribs on the left side saying „There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her HEART”, but on the right side she has a thought of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche “Those who danced were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music” which she has tattooed in honour of a good friend – actor Mickey Rourke. As other celebrities she has also fallen into getting a tattoo with her boyfriend’s name – „Brian” is inked below the bikini line and Megan said in case if they get divorced she is not going to remove it because she can give this name to her son in future.

There are some more of Megan Fox tattoo designs like Ying – Yang symbol on her hand (symbolizing feminine and masculine powers, contrasts and balance) and Chinese sigh meaning “Strength” on her neck. Megan Fox tattoos are simple and elegant and she has personal explanations for all of them.

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