Fleur De Lis Tattoos – History Of Fleur De Lis Tattoos

Fleur de lis tattoos are distinctive symbols of heraldry and religion used by many significant figures of history. The fleur de lis or “lily flower” has been used as a decorative ornament, repeatedly included in different European coats of arms and flags. Today, the fleur de lis is the official symbol for the state of Louisiana and continues to convey the message of faith and valor to everyone.

Historians traced the existence of the fleur de lis designs way back the ancient Mesopotamia. It has also been seen in ancient Egyptian artifacts and other cultural renderings discovered throughout the centuries. The fleur de lis has also been associated with the Virgin Mary who is hailed as the benefactress of the lily flower. This gives the fleur de lis a more divine and sacred meaning that is highly respected by many religious groups and societies.

Fleur De Lis Tattoos In Different Designs And Styles

Fleur de lis tattoos come in various styles to imitate the patriotic image it is well known for. Some tattoo designs may come in simple flair of plain black but still remains as elegant as its meaning.  Several variations may depict royalty and glory, created in solid, dense design with slender pointed edges that are similar to small blades. Some people may create different variations of fleur de lis tattoos with images of flags and emblems which are very regal and patriotic. One of the most common images of fleur de lis tattoos is the Mardi Gras fleur de lis flag which is done in gold, green and purple stripes designed with a multi-colored flower symbol at the center. Another is the Quebec flag which is done with four fleur de lis placed on the four sides of the cross.

Fleur De Lis – Popularity Of Fleur De Lis Tattoos                                    Fleur De Lis Tattoos

The popularity of the fleur de lis tattoos goes beyond the character of elegance and style. It comes with the rich culture and history that are passed on by ancestors and rulers of all time. Fleur de lis tattoos are designs that come with great meaning and significance for political, artistic or religious communities and will be continuously respected by people in the present and for the coming years.

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One Response to “Fleur De Lis Tattoos”

  1. Noah

    Im actually looking for more of a Christian redemption concept. Fleur de lis to represent condemnation broken under a Cross (Celtic perhaps) or maybe even along the lines if the fleur de lis “crossed out” by the Christian cross with the open tomb as encircling it. Something along those lines.

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