Dreamcatcher Tattoos – History Behind Dreamcatcher Tattoos

Though deeply echoing Native American undertones, Dreamcatcher tattoos are all the rage in body art today. Known for catching bad dreams while allowing the sweet ones through, dream catchers hold a mysterious and timeless flair that beautifully translates into a tattoo design.

Today’s dreamcatchers have reached the tribes of the northern plains down to the ethnicity in the Pueblo Southwest and Central America. However, the first of its kind were deeply engraved in the culture of the “original people”, the Anishinabe tribe. Known as the Chippewa in the United States and the Ojibway in Canada, this Native American tribe persists to live in their original territory between North-Central US and Southern Canada.

Dreamcatcher Tattoos – What You Should Know About Dreamcatcher Tattoos

The Anishinabe points to Spider Woman as the first to craft the dreamcatcher. Back then, she went to every new-born member of the tribe to weave her mystical protective web unto the baby’s cradle board. As the tribe dispersed, Spider Woman can no longer reach everyone. To continue her spell, the mothers and sisters of the tribe weaved out their own dreamcatchers. They used willow for the hoop, leather to bind the hoop, and sinews for the net. As a remembrance to Spider Woman, these new crafters connected the web to the hoop at eight points, mirroring Spider Woman’s eight skillful legs. Given this rich background, it’s no wonder why dreamcatcher tattoos are exquisite and plush.

The First People’s traditional dreamcatcher was fairly simple and small, only three inches in diameter. As it spread to the other tribes, the size already varied and elements like beads and feathers were added to the craft. These had various symbolisms, breath being one of them, and allowed good dreams to float through. This eclecticism is strongly captured by the uniqueness of today’s dreamcatcher tattoos.

Dreamcatcher Tattoos – Find Best Dreamcatcher Tattoos  Dreamcatcher Tattoos

Dreamcatcher tattoos may mean many things to many people. These may have distinct and one-of-a-kind designs. However, these tattoos will always be a solid evidence for the richness and vitality of Native American cultures.

Dreamcatcher Tattoos

2 Responses to “Dreamcatcher Tattoos”

  1. jennifer

    i am looking for a dream catcher tattoo that has something to do with breast cancer in it.

  2. jason

    you could do the normal circle dream catcher but instead of feathers hanging you could have the pink ribbons, i was thinking of getting somthing like that myself

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