Celtic Shamrock Tattoos  – History Of Celtic Tattoos Shamrock

There is much grandeur and value underlying Celtic Shamrock Tattoos. It’s no wonder then that many people, of Celtic descent or not, choose to imprint this mark on their skin. With the many ages that have passed since the Celtic shamrock first came about, its timeless appeal is worthy to be immortalized into a Celtic Shamrock Tattoos.

The Celtic shamrock is an iconic item in Irish history. Back in the days when Ireland was subject to the Druids, St. Patrick extended to the people the concept of the one God. To illustrate the Christian Trinity, he made use of a Celtic shamrock. Before this Christian approach, however, the Celtic shamrock has long been revered by the Druids. Its leaves form a triad, and the number three has always been upheld to be sacred in the Celtic religion.

Celtic Shamrock Tattoos – Mystery Behind Celtic Shamrock Tattoos

The Celtic shamrock is known to have mystical power. Legends say that its petals stand upright in the verge of a storm. Because it grew with such dynamism, it served as the symbol of life for the Druids. The shamrock also signified parting, as it was often planted on graves to bring the hope of new life for the departed. Moreover, the shamrock served as an emblem of rebellion during the Christian Inquisition. A person wearing a shamrock was put to death by hanging. In a way, it echoed the Irish rebellion against the English during those days. With this rich history, who wouldn’t take pride in donning a Celtic shamrock tattoo?

Can You Resits Celtic Shamrock Tattoos?                                            Celtic Shamrock Tattoos

Other symbols of Ireland are often infused into Celtic shamrock tattoos. Among these are harps, leprechauns, and Erin (Ireland’s early name). Today, the Celtic shamrock is upheld as the unofficial symbol of Ireland. Thus, to best express your Irish heritage, you can put your bets confidently on Celtic shamrock tattoos.The rich history and intricate appeal of Celtic Shamrock Tattoos may just win you the pot.

Celtic Shamrock Tattoos