Submitted by: Dido

Type of tattoo: Religious

What’s the story behind the tattoo?: Eye is the protector, ankh resembles immortality…

When & where did you get it done?: Feb. 2012

What was the experience like?: didn’t hurt

Any more tattoos planned?: maybe Tiger tattoo



religious tattoo design by dido

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Submit Your Tattoo Story

Thank you Dido for sharing your tattoo with us!

Submitted By: Massone

Type of tattoo: Ambigram tattoo

What’s the story behind the tattoo?: It’s been my graffiti/rap name well over a decade now. It means everything to me, it’s not only who I am, but it’s also the city I was born and raised in, the city I love with all of my heart.

When & where did you get it done?: Sinners and Saints, Pittsburgh, PA. Artist: Mook, arguably thee most famous graffiti artist in my city, Pittsburgh, PA.


Ambigram Tattoo Massone

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What was the experience like?: Took a couple hours, it was awesome, especially to be done by a friend who taught me a lot about graffiti.

Any more tattoos planned?: Definitely going to get more some day just don’t want to rush it. When the time comes, I’ll know.


Submit Your Tattoo Story

Thank you Massone for sharing your tattoo with us…