Do you know why you should have a Buddha tattoo designs?

First, let me introduce him to you. He was a prince and his real name was Siddhartha Gautama. He was born in 563 BCE. He was so restless and he went about searching for enlightenment, happiness. He wished to finish off human anguish, so he adopted an ascetic life. He went to Northeastern India to live and teach.

Buddha Tattoo Designs – Symbolism Behind Buddha Tattoo Designs

He spent a great deal meditating and fasting. His meditation and fasting brought about illumination. Many people admired the great knowledge he acquired in the process. Buddha’s influence spread throughout Asia. Many people believed in his teachings, principles and beliefs. Buddhism became the premier religion in China, Thailand and India are three countries where Buddhism is majority.    Buddha Tattoo Designs

Figurines are very popular and it is being sold as decorative item. However, most families and even stores display it as talisman. You can find it in almost all of Chinese homes. Some individuals use it as a coin bank, just like the common piggy bank. Many people get Buddha Tattoo Designs to express their moods and peace.

Buddha Tattoo Designs – Find The Perfect One For You

Having the Buddha tattoo deigns inked on your skin is a wise choice and as many say, you will attain the blessings of peace and prosperity that it brings. Although the Buddha tattoo designs stands as the first choice for body mark design, it could be presented in different moods and in several choices of colors of his clothes.

Be an advocate of enlightenment, strength of character, and greatness by choosing the Buddha image as your Buddha tattoo designs. More than these Buddha Tattoo Designs are the possibility of receiving peace and prosperity from him.

Celtic Cross Tattoo History and Meninges

Celtic Cross Tattoo Designs are usually interpreted as symbolic of the Christian faith but actually it depends on the beholder. Because Christians popularized the cross as symbol of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, the cross figure is readily attributed to him. However, to some Celtic Cross Tattoo means other things like heritage, war emblem, political persuasions, and many more.

Because we placed the word “Celtic” at the onset of the phrase, it then specifically modifies the type of Celtic Cross Tattoo that we wanted. We desire something that is very much an interpretation of the Celtic tradition and culture. To be Celtic means a melting pot of different cultures and life of the Scandinavian, Welsh, Scottish, British, Irish and other tribes of Europe. The interdependence of people in these areas resulted into the cultural crossover of Norse Art and Celtic Cross Tattoo designs.

Celtic Cross Tattoo and Pagans ViewCeltic Cross Tattoo

Pagans see the Celtic Cross Tattoo as pointing to the four compass directions of the earth, which are the North, South,

East, and West. It is also illustrative of the four elements, namely: Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth. These elements converge at the intersection to become one strong force. The encircling of the middle part of the cross may represent the union of the physical and spiritual worlds.

Celtic Cross Tattoo in Europa

The dominance of the Christian faith in Europe changed these meanings to one sole subject. Now, the figure embodies the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ whom Christians believe as their Savior and Lord. They believe that through the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on the cross, the sin of the world was forgiven. The circle represents the undying and encompassing love of Jesus Christ where the believer response in unity of faith and commitment to God. Thus, bearer of this figure via a Celtic Cross Tattoo must express the same theme in both heart and mind.