Did you know that one out of three people typically regret their tattoo? That’s a scary fact if you’re wanting new ink. In fact, this probably means you should know exactly what you want and wait a while before getting ink’d. Some people like to wait 7 days. I’ve heard of some people waiting 6 months before they get new ink (a little extreme if you ask me). Either way, here’s a fun chart to go through before you decide to get more ink. Feel free to share it with your friends 😉

If only they had our Tattoo Decision Chart:

Tattoo Decision Flowchart

Rockabilly is a stiff cocktail of blues, honky tonk, country, r&b, swing, and boogie woogie mixed together with a healthy helping of bad attitude and car grease. Post WWII America gave birth to the music and culture of rockabilly which was quickly embraced by rebellious youths and demonized by pastors and parents for the genre’s inherent sexuality and perceived social deviance. The culture may have been born in the 50’s but has maintained lasting longevity and you can still find it’s adherents fixing up ancient hotrods, smoking in bathrooms, sporting tattoos of flaming poker cards, drinking in dive bars, gambling in party casinos, and applying buckets of hair gel to gravity-defying pompadours.

The infusion of blues and country music can be traced to the early 1920’s to the recordings of artists like Jimmie Rodgers and Bob Willis. The close relationship between these two styles makes sense, both deal with issues like alcoholism, depression, poverty, and abusive relationships and are primarily rural centric.

Rockabilly, as we know it, rose out of Tennessee’s highly competitive music scene in the 1950’s. During these shows bands played a mix of covers of blues and country standards as well as original songs all of which were frequently sang with a hillbilly swag. The audience’s of these shows didn’t care what style of music was playing as long as it was something they could dance to. Artists like Johnny Cash, Charlie Perkins, and Elvis Presley thrived in this environment and brought this style of music to the mainstream. By 1956 songs like “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On”, “Folsom Prison Blues”, and “Rock Around The Clock” were getting radio play all over the nation.

Rockabilly’s popularity has risen and waned over the decades, most notably experiencing a revival in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s by bands like The Stray Cats, but it has always had arm hold over the American imagination.

Maybe it’s longevity is due to it’s iconic fashion, featuring cuffed blue jeans, work books, a plain white T-shirt or western pear button shirt paired up with a biker jacket for the guys and polka dot dress or capri’s and tank top paired up with a betty paige hair style for the ladies. Rockabilly enthusiasts of both sexes are often adorned with tattoos of skulls, flaming dice, poker cards and pin-up models. Their modes of transportation, souped-up hot rods and Harley Davidson motorcycles, are equally iconic.

Submitted by: Dido

Type of tattoo: Religious

What’s the story behind the tattoo?: Eye is the protector, ankh resembles immortality…

When & where did you get it done?: Feb. 2012

What was the experience like?: didn’t hurt

Any more tattoos planned?: maybe Tiger tattoo



religious tattoo design by dido

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Submit Your Tattoo Story

Thank you Dido for sharing your tattoo with us!

Submitted By: Massone

Type of tattoo: Ambigram tattoo

What’s the story behind the tattoo?: It’s been my graffiti/rap name well over a decade now. It means everything to me, it’s not only who I am, but it’s also the city I was born and raised in, the city I love with all of my heart.

When & where did you get it done?: Sinners and Saints, Pittsburgh, PA. Artist: Mook, arguably thee most famous graffiti artist in my city, Pittsburgh, PA.


Ambigram Tattoo Massone

Next Design >>>

What was the experience like?: Took a couple hours, it was awesome, especially to be done by a friend who taught me a lot about graffiti.

Any more tattoos planned?: Definitely going to get more some day just don’t want to rush it. When the time comes, I’ll know.


Submit Your Tattoo Story

Thank you Massone for sharing your tattoo with us…

Butterfly Back Piece Tattoo

For the Native American Indian, butterflies symbolized joy, life and rebirth; using butterflies as your design element for back piece tattoo is a way of making the statement that you find great joy in life. This stylized symbol of transformation and new stages in life would be perfect to mark a new beginning in your personal life. Perhaps you recently went through an emotionally trying time, having back piece tattoo designed to reflect your belief that you came out stronger and better for it, would be the perfect way to herald in a new phase in your life.



Choosing the right Butterfly for your Back Piece Tattoo

Butterflies have a wide variety in their selection of styles and colors to choose for your back piece tattoo. The color could play as important a role as the symbol of joy itself. When you choose the color for your butterfly back piece tattoo, remember that colors have meanings and could add depth to your personal choice of the butterfly.Yellow is also a symbol of joy, blue is tranquility and confidence, green is the color of renewal, and red of course for strength and power. Adding a butterfly that has hints of these powerful colors will only enhance the beauty and symbolism of the butterfly back piece tattoo you are looking for.


Butterfly Back Piece Tattoo for Man…

Using butterflies as the embellishments for other powerful ritual tattoos, only brings a sense of gentleness  to the more masculine back piece tattoo. For instance the bold forms and lines of tribal tattoos can be softened and made more delicate in appearance when butterflies are added to their curves and free-form designs. It will not make the graphic tattoos less appealing to have them enhanced by images of beauty.

Butterfly back piece tattoos are perfect as upper or lower back piece tattoo, and should be a part of your design element choice, if you are looking for a more feminine tattoo.

Make sure you comment below and share our Butterfly Back Piece Tattoo Gallery with your friends.

Shared by Free-Tattoo-Designs.org loyal reader and friend Rick Basmagy




Cat Tattoo


cat tattoo - Rick Basmagy

Cat Tattoo - Rick Basmagy

This is to date my most fav tattoo on my body.  I am a shop rat over at Artful Ink tattoo studios. It so happens I was at the shop one day and started singing the ” We are Siamese if you please ” song from Disneys own Lady and The Tramp. Well when you mix that with a extremely talented/creative tattoo artist named Kristen Goetz ( Artful Ink Tattoo Studios, NY ) you get a rad Siamese cat sporting one bad ass Fu Man Chu. And there you have it.




Caroline Jones Tattoo


coraline tattoo - Rick Basmagy

Coraline Jones Tattoo - Rick Basmagy


This is my Coraline Jones Tattoo done by One amazing Kelly Gelling at Artful Ink Tattoo Studios in NY.  I bare it on my left shoulder.  If you’ve seen this movie you’d know this is the scene where she crawls thru her tunnel and enters the perfect world ( well sorta ). I saw this in the theaters in 3D and the visuals along with the vivid colors blew my mind. Kelly is amazing with color tattoos and knew she would translate this perfectly onto my body. She is my tattoo artist and one of my closest friends.


Once again thank you Rick for sharing your beautiful tattoos with us,

Make sure you share and comment on Rick tattoos…



If you would like to have your tattoo featured on our website please contact us and we will make it happen…

Tribal Tattoos – The History Of Tribal Tattoos

While tribal tattooing includes a historical past dating back to tattooing itself, these Tribal Tattoos have acquired a massive rise in general recognition, starting in early the nineteen nineties. Classic tribal tattooing has been (and it is) done for several factors. Probably the most common reasons for tribal tattoos contain rituals of passage, social position, as well as simple family identification. Many tribes also think tribal tattoos keep mysterious or even religious importance. Obviously, there’s also situations in which tribe customers find inked just for visual causes. Probably the most well-known variants of tribal tattoos result from tribes through Borneo, the Polynesian Islands, the Maori, Native Americans, as well as Celtic tribes. Tats of Chinese and Japanese figures also have turn out to be really commonplace among Westerners.

Tribal tattoos possess their own root base in ritual, meaning and spiritual techniques, but many contemporary kinds of this art tend to be completed much more for visual reasons. The pictures possess a common attractiveness, and simply because the independence of design and style is really available, you don’t need to obtain real classic tribal pictures inked to have the effect of a tribal tattoos. Although the art might have an individual importance towards the individual getting it, it is much more likely because of individual knowledge instead of any real meaning of tribal tattoos or tribe affiliation.

Many Different Deisgns And Styles Of Tribal Tattoos

There are numerous of good reasons to clarify the modern day popularity of tribal tattoos. One attractive element may be the striking character of the images. Tribal tattoos have been completed in black color, frequently with thicker, interweaving lines which present up really strongly against the skin. Also, due to the bold, strong black character of the pics, tribal tattoos tend to be not as likely to diminish or even blur, providing them better long life. Both tattoo designer and also the recipient of the artwork possess lots of artistic independence along with tribal tattoos, just as much or even a lot of the modern kinds of this art offers very little to do with any particular real tribe. Almost any type of picture could be changed into a tribal tattoos, therefore you notice numerous types of this sort of art. If you don’t wish to make your own design or don’t have one planned currently, skilled tattoo designers may often possess books of flash designs so that you can select from. One more attractive part of tribe tats would be that the designs have a tendency to work perfectly in well-liked body places for tattooing, like the upper arms and also the back. Arm and leg bands tend to be probably the most common types of tribal tattoos.

Despite the fact that tribal tattoos are mainly made with black ink, it has also turn out to be really well-liked to include coloring into the designs. Despite the fact that the strong black may be really creatively attractive, a lot of individuals would like a little colour to their artwork. This may be completed in a variety of options, such as applying background colours, fill-in colors for negative space, or even using a color other than black for the design itself, though this is done less frequently. Whenever non-black ink is actually practiced intended for a style of tribal tattoos, the recipient or even designer may often choose to still outline the design within black color in order to keep the bold impact. Additionally, a more dark colour is generally applied for the exact same reason, like as a darker red, blue, green, or purple.

Tribal Tattoos – Combination with Conventional Designs

One more well-liked style within contemporary tribe tattooing is actually combining tribal tattoos along with much more conventional pictures. This is really typical among those along with really big and ambitious styles, like as complete back items. Nevertheless, that type of art may simply as very easily be achieved with smaller sized tats. For these that would like the fine art in order to be completely built-in, one typical kind of images is actually flower and vine styles, as the circulation moves nicely easily with the interlocking lines frequently discovered within tribal tattoos. Obviously, flowers and vines are not for everybody, and numerous different kinds of images may be easily created to flow with tribe ones. One more great choice for adding conventional tats with tribal tattoos is actually in order to apply the second option as a framing system. Getting a conventional design and style and around it along with tribal tattoos may improve the general appear and get much more consideration. Framing an current tattoo with tribal tattoos may definitely create it much more eye-catching, as well as create some thing old appear brand new once again.Tribal Tattoos

Are you familiar with Asian tattoo designs?

You might have seen them but you did not know that it was of continental origin. The most exotic and trendiest of tattoo art are those Asian tattoo designs that have Asian-inspired theme.

Of the seven continents of the world, Asia is home to many cultures. Their respect for environment is evidently shown in their art. Their masterpieces can easily attract attention and art enthusiasts are easily captivated. The Dragon figure for its popularity in Asia is appreciated by both young and old people; many wanted Asian tattoo designs printed on their body.

Asian Tattoo Designs an Chinese calligraphyAsian Tattoo Designs

Leading other nations in body art applications is China. The Chinese have an assortment of creations. China and Japan are two nations where passion for calligraphy is duly supported. Calligraphic lettering are very cool and eye-catching.

The bamboo figure ultimately stirs up interest because the bamboo and its entire varied species are very common and grows like giant grass all over the continent.

Other Asian tattoo designs would include a pagoda or the Chinese temple, bells, lilies, orchids, tigers, lion, dog, heron, and perhaps even ancient structures. A person who wears a Great Wall of China tattoo would certainly attract attention.

Asian Tattoo Designs – Different Styles Of Asian Tattoo Designs

What would be more interesting are the Malayan and Indonesian batik patterns. An artist who is familiar with this tapestry pattern is capable of doing a design that looks so real that it cannot be distinguished as work of art.

The use of pastel and monochromatic colors make Asian tattoo designs very attractive and fashionable. There are artists who could make a good blending of hues that contrasts with the skin color. Thus, when you stare at the finished work, the Asian tattoo designs seemed to be coming alive.