Aquarius Tattoos – Representation Of Aquarius Tattoos

Aquarius tattoos are best described as one of the most popular tattoo designs of the new generation. Aquarius tattoos  has a unique representation of honesty, loyalty, originality, creativity, independence and intellect.

The Aquarius sign is the eleventh among the twelve Zodiac signs of astrology. People born from the 21st of January to the 18th of February are considered to bear the exceptional qualities of the Aquarian sign.  It is symbolized by a pair of zigzag horizontal lines which represents water. Another symbol is a man pouring out water from an urn, which is believed to signify the humanistic persona of this aquatic sign.

Meaning behind Aquarius  Tattoos             Aquarius Tattoos

Aquarius tattoos convey a very deep meaning to many individuals who bear the personality of an Aquarian. It is considered to be one of the most inspiring tattoo designs created by various tattoo artists.

Since the Aquarius sign is associated with the water element, Aquarius tattoos often come in cool colors of blue and green which depicts the color of water. Water droplets or two horizontal waves also signify Aquarius and may be considered to be some of the simplest but convicting Aquarius tattoos. Some may also use artistic designs using distinctive water plants such as lilies and orchids to symbolize the peaceful and calm nature of Aquarius.

What To Consider When Choosing Aquarius Tattoos?

Different cultures and beliefs may contribute to one’s choice of the best tattoo design to get and it is only natural for one to desire something that is special and meaningful. Tattoo designs are imaginative signs of expression and should always be considered a big decision for one to make. Aquarius tattoos depict a number of meanings and interpretations and the bearer should always know why he is getting Aquarius tattoos for himself.

Aquarius tattoos can inspire many individuals and whether you are an Aquarian or not, you might even consider getting these Aquarius tattoos to express your unique, imaginative personality to other people.

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